Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I am Invincible!...(with Divine Help)

Everyone is familiar with at least one verse in Philippians 4--"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." This is, of course, an awesome verse. I was fascinated a few days ago when I read again the words preceding this verse.

Paul was aquainted with many different facets of life. He tells the Phillipians in verse 11, "Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." From this, I gather that he was not in a state of "want" at the time of writing, but that he had been in that state before. I have often read that scripture and found myself dwelling on the fact that one must be content with whatever little amounts one has. But truly, we are to be content whether we are abounding in the world's goods or we are basking in humble circumstances. (Or anywhere in between for that matter.) Is it not true that it is entirely possible to be extremely wealthy and not be content? The opposite is also true. Heeding Paul's advice to be content no matter what state we are in is imperative to our happiness.

In verse 12, Paul goes on to list various circumstances in which we must be content. It is an intriguing, thought provoking list. It doesn't just speak of rich versus poor. After listing many possible scenarios, Paul then proclaims the well known verse that makes each one of us invincible...but only because of Christ.

I was so fascinated with those verses I suppose because I realized that when Paul says, "I can do all things" he is really referring to ALL things! He means getting through very tough situations. He means having the Lord with us during extremely exhilarating times. He means putting Christ into mundane things. He means ALL things.

If we put Christ into all aspects of our lives, how blessed we are as He strengthens us in everyday things and in out of the ordinary things. We really can do all things through Christ and be strengthened because of it.


JuliaGulia said...

Thank you for being the answer to my prayers.

Munchkins and Music said...

What a neat blog idea.

Ane said...

What an awesome blog! Love it!

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