Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Constitution and Freedom

With elections coming up, our Bishop encouraged us to read D&C 98. Verses 4-10 were of particular interest to me.

Our Founding Fathers wrote a truly inspired document with the help of the Lord. One of my sons and I have been learning recently in our homeschool about the Constitution and how it came about. It really is truly incredible that with so many varied opinions and ideas that they could formulate such a remarkable document. The principles that were transcribed on those pages hold true even still for our day.

Verse 5 states, "And that law of the land which is constitutional, supporting that principle of freedom in maintaining rights and privileges, belongs to all mankind, and is justifiable before me." The principle of freedom allows us to keep our rights and privileges, yet like the Nephites in the Book of Mormon, how can we expect to retain those very same things if we don't do what we can to uphold the constitution that upholds that principle? As we know, the Nephites kept their freedoms as they were righteous.

What is our part? The answer is shown in these words: "honest men and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should observe to uphold". Can't say it any better than that.

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Thanks for this timely post!!

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